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A member registered Jan 04, 2018

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Hi there!

I’ve read through the book and have a couple of questions. I’m just going to put them all in this one thread, I hope that works!

The rules refer repeatedly to tracking your coterie’s Favor on the coterie playbook (p50 for example), but I can’t see any space for tracking Favor on those sheets. Indeed, the rules make it sound like the coterie playbook ought to include multiple favor tracks for each faction. 

There IS a sheet that tracks “status” with each faction and that is referenced elsewhere in the rules (p56) but are those the same thing? They seem to perform different functions so I’m a bit confused.

The coterie playbook does include a track for Influence, which seems at odds w p132 where it’s said that influence earned is divided among the characters, not tracked as part of a coterie stat. 

Page 133 describes the coterie sheet as having multiple Favor tracks — I am not seeing these on the provided sheets.

Am I misunderstanding something here? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!